ZEO Clients

To use a ZEO server, you need to connect to it using a ZEO client storage. You create client storages either using a Python API or using a ZODB storage configuration in a ZODB storage configuration section.

Python API for creating a ZEO client storage

To create a client storage from Python, use the ZEO.client function:

import ZEO
client = ZEO.client(8200)

In the example above, we created a client that connected to a storage listening on port 8200 on local host. The first argument is an address, or list of addresses to connect to. There are many additional options, documented below that should be given as keyword arguments.

Addresses can be:

  • A host/port tuple

  • An integer, which implies that the host is ‘’

  • A unix domain socket file name.



The cache size in bytes. This defaults to a 20MB.


The ZEO cache to be used. This can be a file name, which will cause a persistent standard persistent ZEO cache to be used and stored in the given name. This can also be an object that implements ZEO.interfaces.ICache.

If not specified, then a non-persistent cache will be used.


The name of a directory to hold/cache blob data downloaded from the server. This must be provided if blobs are to be used. (Of course, the server storage must be configured to use blobs as well.)


A client can use a network files system (or a local directory if the server runs on the same machine) to share a blob directory with the server. This allows downloading of blobs (except via a distributed file system) to be avoided.


The size of the blob cache in bytes. IF unset, then blobs will accumulate. If set, then blobs are removed when the total size exceeds this amount. Blobs accessed least recently are removed first.


The total size of data to be downloaded to trigger blob cache size reduction. The default is 10 (percent). This controls how often to remove blobs from the cache.


An ssl.SSLContext object used to make SSL connections.


Host name to use for SSL host name checks.

If using SSL and if host name checking is enabled in the given SSL context then use this as the value to check. If an address is a host/port pair, then this defaults to the host in the address.


Set to true for a read-only connection.

If false (the default), then request a read/write connection.

This option is ignored if read_only_fallback is set to a true value.


Set to true, then prefer a read/write connection, but be willing to use a read-only connection. This defaults to a false value.

If read_only_fallback is set, then read_only is ignored.


Flag, false by default, indicating whether the sync method should make a server request. The sync method is called at the start of explicitly begin transactions. Making a server requests assures that any invalidations outstanding at the beginning of a transaction are processed.

Setting this to True is important when application activity is spread over multiple ZEO clients. The classic example of this is when a web browser makes a request to an application server (ZEO client) that makes a change and then makes a request to another application server that depends on the change.

Setting this to True makes transactions a little slower because of the added server round trip. For transactions that don’t otherwise need to access the storage server, the impact can be significant.


How long to wait for an initial connection, defaulting to 30 seconds. If an initial connection can’t be made within this time limit, then creation of the client storage will fail with a ZEO.Exceptions.ClientDisconnected exception.

After the initial connection, if the client is disconnected:

  • In-flight server requests will fail with a ZEO.Exceptions.ClientDisconnected exception.

  • New requests will block for up to wait_timeout waiting for a connection to be established before failing with a ZEO.Exceptions.ClientDisconnected exception.


A short string to display in server logs for an event relating to this client. This can be helpful when debugging.


The delay in seconds between attempts to connect to the server, in seconds. Defaults to 1 second.

Configuration strings/files

ZODB databases and storages can be configured using configuration files, or strings (extracted from configuration files). They use the same syntax as the server configuration files described above, but with different sections and options.

An application that used ZODB might configure it’s database using a string like:

   cache-size 1000MB

     path /var/lib/Data.fs

In this example, we configured a ZODB database with a object cache size of 1GB. Inside the database, we configured a file storage. The filestorage section provided file-storage parameters. We saw a similar section in the storage-server configuration example in `Server configuration`_.

To configure a client storage, you use a clientstorage section, but first you have to import it’s definition, because ZEO isn’t built into ZODB. Here’s an example:

   cache-size 1000MB

   %import ZEO

     server 8200

In this example, we defined a client storage that connected to a server on port 8200.

The following settings are supported:


The cache size in bytes, KB or MB. This defaults to a 20MB. Optional KB or MB suffixes can (and usually are) used to specify units other than bytes.


The file path of a persistent cache file


The name of a directory to hold/cache blob data downloaded from the server. This must be provided if blobs are to be used. (Of course, the server storage must be configured to use blobs as well.)


A client can use a network files system (or a local directory if the server runs on the same machine) to share a blob directory with the server. This allows downloading of blobs (except via a distributed file system) to be avoided.


The size of the blob cache in bytes. IF unset, then blobs will accumulate. If set, then blobs are removed when the total size exceeds this amount. Blobs accessed least recently are removed first.


The total size of data to be downloaded to trigger blob cache size reduction. The default is 10 (percent). This controls how often to remove blobs from the cache.


Set to true for a read-only connection.

If false (the default), then request a read/write connection.

This option is ignored if read_only_fallback is set to a true value.


Set to true, then prefer a read/write connection, but be willing to use a read-only connection. This defaults to a false value.

If read_only_fallback is set, then read_only is ignored.


Sets the server_sync option described above.


How long to wait for an initial connection, defaulting to 30 seconds. If an initial connection can’t be made within this time limit, then creation of the client storage will fail with a ZEO.Exceptions.ClientDisconnected exception.

After the initial connection, if the client is disconnected:

  • In-flight server requests will fail with a ZEO.Exceptions.ClientDisconnected exception.

  • New requests will block for up to wait_timeout waiting for a connection to be established before failing with a ZEO.Exceptions.ClientDisconnected exception.


A short string to display in server logs for an event relating to this client. This can be helpful when debugging.

Client SSL configuration

An ssl subsection can be used to enable and configure SSL, as in:

%import ZEO

  server zeo.example.com8200

In the example above, SSL is enabled in it’s simplest form:

  • The client expects the server to have a signed certificate, which the client validates.

  • The server server host name zeo.example.com is checked against the server’s certificate.

A number of settings can be provided to configure SSL:


The path to an SSL certificate file for the client. This is needed to allow the server to authenticate the client.


The path to the SSL key file for the client certificate (if not included in the certificate file).


A dotted name if an importable function that, when imported, returns the password needed to unlock the key (if the key requires a password.)


The path to a file or directory containing server certificates to authenticate. (See the cafile and capath parameters in the Python documentation for ssl.SSLContext.load_verify_locations.)

If this setting is used then certificate authentication is used to authenticate the server. The server must be configured with one of the certificates supplied using this setting.


This is a boolean setting that defaults to true. Verify the host name in the server certificate is as expected.


The expected server host name. This defaults to the host name used in the server address. This option must be used when check-hostname is true and when a server address has no host name (localhost, or unix domain socket) or when there is more than one server and server hostnames differ.

Using this setting implies a true value for the check-hostname setting.