Response ordering requirements

ZEO servers are logically concurrent because they serve multiple clients in multiple threads. Because of this, we have to make sure that information about object histories remain consistent.

An object history is a sequence of object revisions. Each revision has a tid, which is essentially a time stamp.

We load objects using either load, which returns the current object. or loadBefore, which returns the object before a specific time/tid.

When we cache revisions, we record the tid and the next/end tid, which may be None. The end tid is important for choosing a revision for loadBefore, as well as for determining whether a cached value is current, for load.

Because the client and server are multi-threaded, the client may see data out of order. Let’s consider some scenarios. In these scenarios


When considering ordering scenarioes, we’ll consider 2 different client behaviors, traditional (T) and loadBefore (B).

The traditional behaviors is that used in ZODB 4. It uses the storage load(oid) method to load objects if it hasn’t seen an invalidation for the object. If it has seen an invalidation, it uses loadBefore(oid, START), where START is the transaction time of the first invalidation it’s seen. If it hasn’t seen an invalidation for an object, it uses load(oid) and then checks again for an invalidation. If it sees an invalidation, then it retries using loadBefore. This approach assumes that invalidations for a tid are returned before loads for a tid.

The loadBefore behavior, used in ZODB5, always determines transaction start time, START at the beginning of a transaction by calling the storage’s sync method and then querying the storage’s lastTransaction method (and adding 1). It loads objects exclusively using loadBefore(oid, START).

Scenario 1, Invalidations seen after loads for transaction

This scenario could occur because the commits are for a different client, and a hypothetical; server doesn’t block loads while committing, or sends invalidations in a way that might delay them (but not send them out of order).


  • client starts a transaction

  • client load(O1) gets O1-T1

  • client load(O2)

  • Server commits O2-T2

  • Server loads (O2-T2)

  • Client gets O2-T2, updates the client cache, and completes load

  • Client sees invalidation for O2-T2. If the client is smart, it doesn’t update the cache.

    The transaction now has inconsistent data, because it should have loaded whatever O2 was before T2. Because the invalidation came in after O2 was loaded, the load was unaffected.


  • client starts a transaction. Sets START to T1+1

  • client loadBefore(O1, T1+1) gets O1-T1, T1, None

  • client loadBefore(O2, T1+1)

  • Server commits O2-T2

  • Server loadBefore(O2, T1+1) -> O2-T0-T2

    (assuming that the revision of O2 before T2 was T0)

  • Client gets O2-T0-T2, updates cache.

  • Client sees invalidation for O2-T2. No update to the cache is necessary.

In this scenario, loadBefore prevents reading incorrect data.

A variation on this scenario is that client sees invalidations tpc_finish in another thread after loads for the same transaction.

Scenario 2, Client sees invalidations for later transaction before load result


  • client starts a transaction

  • client load(O1) gets O1-T1

  • client load(O2)

  • Server loads (O2-T0)

  • Server commits O2-T2

  • Client sees invalidation for O2-T2. O2 isn’t in the cache, so nothing to do.

  • Client gets O2-T0, updates the client cache, and completes load

    The cache is now incorrect. It has O2-T0-None, meaning it thinks O2-T0 is current.

    The transaction is OK, because it got a consistent value for O2.


  • client starts a transaction. Sets START to T1+1

  • client loadBefore(O1, T1+1) gets O1-T1, T1, None

  • client loadBefore(O2, T1+1)

  • Server loadBefore(O2, T1+1) -> O2-T0-None

  • Server commits O2-T2

  • Client sees invalidation for O2-T2. O2 isn’t in the cache, so nothing to do.

  • Client gets O2-T0-None, and completes load

    ZEO 4 doesn’t cache loadBefore results with no ending transaction.

    Assume ZEO 5 updates the client cache.

    For ZEO 5, the cache is now incorrect. It has O2-T0-None, meaning it thinks O2-T0 is current.

    The transaction is OK, because it got a consistent value for O2.

In this case, loadBefore didn’t prevent an invalid cache value.

Scenario 3, client sees invalidation after lastTransaction result

(This doesn’t effect the traditional behavior.)


  • The client cache has a last tid of T1.

  • ZODB calls sync() then calls lastTransaction. Is so configured, ZEO calls lastTransaction on the server. This is mainly to make a round trip to get in-flight invalidations. We don’t necessarily need to use the value. In fact, in protocol 5, we could just add a sync method that just makes a round trip, but does nothing else.

  • Server commits O1-T2, O2-T2.

  • Server reads and returns T2. (It doesn’t mater what it returns

  • client sets START to T1+1, because lastTransaction is based on what’s in the cache, which is based on invalidations.

  • Client loadBefore(O1, T2+1), finds O1-T1-None in cache and uses it.

  • Client gets invalidation for O1-T2. Updates cache to O1-T1-T2.

  • Client loadBefore(O2, T1+1), gets O2-T1-None

This is OK, as long as the client doesn’t do anything with the lastTransaction result in sync.

Implementation notes


The ZEO 4 server sends data to the client in correct order with respect to loads and invalidations (or tpc_finish results). This is a consequence of the fact that invalidations are sent in a callback called when the storage lock is held, blocking loads while committing, and, fact that client requests, for a particular client, are handled by a single thread on the server, and that all output for a client goes through a thread-safe queue.

Invalidations are sent from different threads than clients. Outgoing data is queued, however, using Python lists, which are protected by the GIL. This means that the serialization provided though storage locks is preserved by the way that server outputs are queued. The queueing mechanism is in part a consequence of the way asyncore, used by ZEO4, works.

In ZEO 4 clients, invalidations and loads are handled by separate threads. This means that even though data arive in order, they may not be processed in order,


The existing servers mitigate this by blocking loads while committing. On the client, this is still a potential issue because loads and invalidations are handled by separate threads, however, locks are used on the client to assure that invalidations are processed before blocked loads complete.


Existing storage servers serialize commits (and thus sending of invalidations) and loads. As with scenario T1, threading on the client can cause load results and invalidations to be processed out of order. To mitigate this, the client uses a load lock to track when loads are invalidated while in flight and doesn’t save to the cache when they are. This is bad on multiple levels. It serializes loads even when there are multiple threads. It may prevent writing to the cache unnecessarily, if the invalidation is for a revision before the one that was loaded.


Here, we avoid incorrect returned values and incorrect cache at the cost of caching nothing.

ZEO 4.2.0 addressed this by using the same locking strategy for loadBefore that was used for load, thus mitigating B2 the same way it mitigates T2.


In ZEO(/ZODB) 5, we want to get more concurrency, both on the client, and on the server. On the client, cache invalidations and loads are done by the same thread, which makes things a bit simpler. This let’s us get rid of the client load lock and prevents the scenarios above with existing servers.

On the client, we’d like to stop serializing loads and commits. We’d like commits (tpc_finish calls) to be in flight with loads (and with other commits). In the current protocol, tpc_finish, load and loadBefore are all synchronous calls that are handled by a single thread on the server, so these calls end up being serialized on the server anyway.

The server-side hndling of invalidations is a bit tricker in ZEO 5 because there isn’t a thread-safe queue of outgoing messages in ZEO 5 as there was in ZEO 4. The natural approach in ZEO 5 would be to use asyncio’s call_soon_threadsafe to send invalidations in a client’s thread. This could easily cause invalidations to be sent after loads. As shown above, this isn’t a problem for ZODB 5, at least assuming that invalidations arrive in order. This would be a problem for ZODB 4. For this reason, we require ZODB 5 for ZEO 5.

Note that this approach can’t cause invalidations to be sent early, because they could only be sent by the thread that’s busy loading, so scenario 2 wouldn’t happen.


Because the server send invalidations by calling call_soon_threadsafe, it’s impoossible for invalidations to be send while a load request is being handled.

The main server opportunity is allowing commits for separate oids to happen concurrently. This wouldn’t effect the invalidation/load ordering though.

It would be nice not to block loads while making tpc_finish calls, but storages do this anyway now, so there’s nothing to be done about it now. Storage locking requirements aren’t well specified, and probably should be rethought in light of ZODB5/loadBefore.